Craig grew up in a very small town in western Kansas and has been a conservative Christian Republican all his life. He attended Kansas State University where he obtained a bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering and subsequently went to work for General Motors Corporation. He resigned from a GM management position in 1987 and moved his wife and two very young sons to Gilbert Arizona and they have made Gilbert and Chandler their home for the last 35 years. Both sons, their wives and seven grandchildren all live in the Valley of the Sun.
Craig is a retired CEO of an aerospace company where he was responsible for hundreds of employees. He has many years of experience and success solving problems for large corporations like Boeing and Lockheed.
Since retirement Craig has dedicated much of his time to the public/political realm. During the past election cycle, he and his wife hosted three general Republican 2022 Primary meet and greets and several fund raisers. They also worked the polls during the primary and general election. Craig served as MCRC MAL until taking over the MCRC Chair responsibilities. Craig is a pilot and owns and operates a light jet. Besides personal travel, he uses the aircraft to transport disabled military veterans to and from special events and provides Republican candidates transportation to and from campaign events.
Please do not hesitate to contact Craig any time at [email protected]
Contact Craig

I plan to:
Work with Chairman to create an election integrity committee that will assist MCRC in developing and implementing our own voter database to maintain local ownership. This will bring flexibility to the LDs to download needed data for their LD, work on voter roll cleanup, and proactively work on PC recruitment and GOTV drives. This committee will also keep up to date on election related activities, communicate concerns to and from our county elections department, and work on election related legislation.
Assist the Chairman in creating a legislative engagement committee composed of PCs from all LDs to actively communicate with our legislators our positions on proposed legislation and initiate and/or support good legislation. Help educate the PCs on how to be citizen lobbyists.
Advocate to create an advisory committee composed of grassroot org leaders that will help increase party reach, communications, and manpower. Create community between the grassroots activists and candidates and the MCRC.
Please do not hesitate to contact Shelby any time at [email protected]
Contact Shelby

Julie grew up in Tucson and graduated from the University of Arizona with a B.S. in Engineering Management and a minor in Computer Engineering. Currently, she is a Senior Research Project Manager for the State of Arizona. Julie and her husband Greg moved to Laveen in 2011 and have lived in the Dobbins Ranch precinct since then.
Julie is a God-fearing Christian and a constitutional conservative. She always followed politics at the national level, but it wasn’t until after the stolen 2020 election that she began her journey into local politics. She first got involved in trying to recall the Board of Supervisors and was later inspired to become a Precinct Committeeman from learning about the Precinct Strategy on Bannon’s War Room. She is extremely passionate about election integrity and saving our beautiful state and country by restoring free and fair elections. We must return to one day, one vote with paper ballots and no machines.
Julie has served as a PC, PC Captain, SC, 2nd Vice Chair, and Chair in LD11. She was also a state and national delegate for Trump in 2024. She is an America First candidate running for the 2nd Vice Chair of the MCRC and would be honored to have your vote.
As the second vice chair her goal is to continue building on the successes of the last election cycle and to continue working as a team with the legislative districts, the MCRC, and the AZGOP to deliver more victories in the upcoming elections. While the victory of electing Trump as #47 was exhilarating, we still have a lot of work to do and cannot let our foot off the gas now.
Please feel free to contact Julie anytime at [email protected]
Contact Julie

In 2020 we learned that a strategy of winning votes loses to a strategy of collecting ballots. That should cause us to rethink our strategy, but that hasn’t happened yet.
I have been a PC only since 2018. Since 2020, I have mostly worked with Liz Harris’ team of volunteers. My relative inexperience at party affairs is a good thing. The Republican party has mostly opposed our work in election integrity. They have denied us data that is ours by statute. They have tried to tell us voters don’t care about election integrity and that we will lose elections if we talk about it. They are now telling us that we lost the 2022 elections because we nominated candidates who fought for election integrity. Most of the PCs who have volunteered since 2020 just want to save their country. Being new permits us to see more clearly the dire state we are in. I pledge to use my vote on the executive committee to put our party clearly on the side of election integrity. We must pressure our lawmakers. We must be able to clearly see their defects. Once we stand for principle and not for process, we should find it easier to raise money — so that we may be more independent of the national party – and we should find it easier to recruit and retain PCs. Please do not hesitate to contact Lawrence any time at [email protected] |
Contact Lawrence

Michelle was born and raised in Baltimore Maryland but has made Arizona her home for over 30 years. She is a US Air Force Veteran, having served for 15 years with her last assignment being Luke AFB. She graduated from the USAF Community College with a degree in Applied Sciences although her chosen career path was eventually that of fashion design choosing to use her God given gift to create for private clientele. Michelle is married to her husband of 35 years and has one son and two beautiful grandsons.
Michelle’s life has always been about service wherever needed. She is a grassroots patriot who’s journey into politics began volunteering with Latinos for Trump. She was an Adjudicator for the 2020 election, worked the audit as an observer and table manager, canvassed, door knocked, and phone banked for the 2020, 2022 and 2024 elections.
Michelle has been attending the Executive Guidance Committee(EGC) meetings regularly for more than two years. As the previous LD23 Chairman, she has also been a member of the EGC. She has the knowledge and understanding of the responsibilities of this body. Michelle has also served in the office of Secretary for the Estrella Conservative Republican Club of which she is a member, so she has experience recording meeting minutes and ensuring the information is distributed in a timely manner. It would be an honor to serve as a member of the MCRC and to be a part of continuing the great work this body has done over the past two years.
Please feel free to contact Michelle anytime at [email protected]
Contact Michelle

Joanie is a Christian Conservative who believes the US Constitution is, and always has been, the bedrock of our Republic and strongly believes the grassroots efforts of Patriots will make our country great again.
As a member at large her goal is to work to vet candidates at all levels of elected positions from precinct committeeman to the governor’s office. She is hoping to work with the MCRC as well as the LD chairs to find strong conservative candidates to fill existing and new positions as we reorganize out of redistricting. She is also focused on improving communication among the MCRC and the LDs as we move forward.
A quote that keeps her motivated is from President Reagan as he said ‘freedom is only a generation from extinction’. Together we can fight to keep that freedom. – CONTACT JOANIE
Contact Joanie

Jeff Greenspan grew up in central Phoenix, attending Madison 1 and Brophy College Prep. Jeff graduated from the University of Pennsylvania with a degree in Economics, joining a Big 4 consulting firm out of school. Jeff moved back to Phoenix in 2002 and has been working as a healthcare industry professional the past 15 years.
Jeff was elected PC in 2002 and served as PC until 2011. He served as 2nd Vice Chairman of the MCRC from 2008-2011, having been endorsed by Joe Arpaio in 2008 as part of the Constitutional Conservative slate. In 2012, Jeff was blackballed by the McCain faction who spent Democrat donor money to do mailers and auto dialers into Jeff’s precinct to defeat him. Jeff was successfully reelected as a PC in 2022.
God works in mysterious ways. During the 10 years he was not a PC, while Jeff remained civilly active, helping in every election, Jeff got married and had the pleasure and privilege to raise 3 beautiful children. Politics is simple. Support your principles, show up, work hard with your fellow PCs, friends, and allies and win. That’s how it works when elections are fair. They have not been, beginning with the 2018 election when in Maricopa County votes were no longer reported by precinct workers with representatives from all parties in agreement. Since 2018, all ballots have been sent to be counted by the government behind barbed wire on unauditable systems. This is unacceptable and must change. Together we will change it.
As a party we must message freedom and prosperity vs tyranny and government dependency which destroys prosperity, income and our currency. We must focus on self-governance and national self-reliance. Never give up. Never give in. Never compromise our Republican principles. Please do not hesitate to contact Jeff anytime at [email protected]
Contact Jeff

Chris Hamlet is a God-fearing America first grassroots conservative, native Arizonan, originally from Globe. Loves this Constitutional Republic that God has so graciously blessed us with. Served as an Airborne Medic in the United States Army. Single father of 2, an ambassador for truth serving God and fighting for this country and our children.
Managed #1-ranked crews in size from 5 to 35 in the telecommunications industry for 13+ years. BS in Technical Management and currently serving on 2 different parent’s groups within the Mesa school district, lifetime DAV member, serves as a head usher at his church, Precinct and State Committeeman, and elected Southeast Zone Chairman for LD9. A tireless and staunch activist, he shows up to every battlefield possible to speak out against evil, corruption, injustice, and tyranny. Chris recently garnered national attention by exposing a teacher in Mesa Public Schools who was consecrating our children to the Devil by holding a pitchfork over their heads while he chanted “Hail Satan.” As a result, this teacher was forced to resign once his evil act was made public. Chris also recently organized a protest at Mesa High School that contributed to defeating the unnecessary and frivolous $500M bond for Mesa Public Schools.
Chris ran for school board for Mesa Public Schools in 2022. During that 14-month campaign, Chris saw 1st hand how broken and corrupt this system is and what it takes to win this war between good and the evil that is currently running rampant in Arizona. It takes servant-minded leaders; a team of America 1st patriots, soldiers in God’s Army who put God, Country, and family above all else. Chris believes that this MAL election is critical in order to continue to hold the line at the MCRC and never again let the establishment have the majority.
Contact Chris

Diana retired from 25 years civil service and 20 years in the AF Reserves in 1994 to be a stay-at-home mom. She was married 45 years and adopted two wonderful daughters before recently being widowed. Diana has resided in Arizona since 2013 and in LD 22 (old LD 19) since 2017.
Diana’s Ham radio license became particularly valuable when she became a volunteer with the Vacaville CA police dept as part of a special crime unit.
Diana was a member of the PTA at her children’s schools. She also volunteered as a classroom parent and at the Millennium High School library.
She was founding member of the TEA Party in Yucaipa CA 2009–2012. She has been a PC since 2016 and is currently Secretary/treasurer for LD 22. She is also treasurer for LD Senate candidate for the 2024 election.
Diana is also a Member of Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR). She worked the US Census in both 2010 and 2020.
She worked the 2016 primary and general elections at the precinct level. In 2018 she was hired as a temporary worker in the voter registration office. She also worked the AZ 2020 election audit.
Contact Diana

Patty Castillo Porter is a Christian Constitutional conservative who became active in politics during the Trump 2020 campaign. After the 2020 General election, Patty became an ULTRA activist; canvassing voter rolls for election integrity, working as a volunteer at the Maricopa County audit of the Nov 3, 2020, election, organizing demonstrations against illegal immigration, medical tyranny, school board overreach/indoctrination, and actively participating in local and federal legislation.
Patty received her bachelor’s degree in accountancy from ASU. She has lived in the Ahwatukee Foothills area for over 25 years with her husband and 2 daughters. She’s been active in the community with church, school, sports, and Girl Scouts but never politics until 2020.
As 1st Vice Chair of Legislative District 12, Patty has been heavily engaged with PC recruitment and training. One of the endeavors she believes God inspired is the idea known as Passion Projects. For example, Save The Children is one of the passion projects focusing on eradicating sex trafficking. The team holds monthly events designed to educate the public about the horrors of this evil and is working with legislators, law enforcement and survivors to change the laws on the books and assign harsher penalties for the buyers and pimps.
Patty is looking forward to bringing her experience working boots on the ground with PCs and the community to the Executive Board of MCRC employing many strategies to GOTV and win back the White House in 2024! It’s no longer R vs D but about preserving our inalienable rights endowed to us by God, and it starts at the local level and that’s just one of the messaging strategies that we will be taking to the streets.