Would you like to get involved with the Republican Party?
Please follow the instructions below.
Please contact the LD District Chairman where you live and find out how to get involved. PC Appointment Application Steps:
- ****Note**** PC appointments will pause until after the AZGOP meeting in January. Please go ahead and apply. We will retain your application and use it to introduce you to other PCs, invite you to attend meetings as a guest, and, if you are willing, get you involved immediately in the work we must do to get our candidates elected
- Download Adobe Reader here if you don’t have it (https://get.adobe.com/reader/)
- Download the fillable PC Form
- Complete the form and Print, hand-sign, and scan back to your PC.
- Go to the PC Application Page (https://portal.maricopagop.org/pc-application-submission/) complete all fields, upload and sign the form
Special NOTES to help you complete the form:
To find your Legislative District, Supervisory District, and Congressional District where you live, click below on The District Locator for Maricopa County.
Once you know your LD, click the link below for the list of LD Chairs https://maricopagop.org/district-chairmen
To find your Voter ID, clink on the link below https://recorder.maricopa.gov/Elections/BeBallotReady/
Sign up to become a PC – Download fillable form
Upload your completed PC Appointment Form
Precinct Committeeman: the most important elected official in the Republican Party! (Precinct Committeeman, a PC, is the official title of a grassroots volunteer.)
Elections are not won at the state, national, or even county level; elections are won in the individual precincts, one vote at a time with the help of grass root leaders, namely Precinct Committeemen (PCs).
The “fundamentals” of politics is registering voters, polling, telephoning, door knocking, spreading the Republican platform, building relationships between neighbors and elected officials and turning out the vote on Election Day. These are the fundamentals that WIN elections and put Republicans in office. So naturally, your personal influence on the public is a reflection of you, and is what the Republican Party ultimately becomes. PCs are the key to winning elections all the way up the ballot and is why we consider you the most important elected officials in the Republican Party!