I want to take this opportunity to thank our outgoing MCRC Executive Officers.They have personally sacrificed at lot over the past two years. Thank you!
- Chairman: Mickie Niland
- 1st Vice Chair: Nancy Ordowski
- 2nd Vice Chair: Michal Joyner
- Treasurer: David Ludwig
- Secretary: Daniel Grimm (Dan is returning as Secretary)
I also want to give a HUGE thanks to the 65+ PCs that participated last Sunday and Monday in finalizing our Officer Election and Proposed Resolution Vote hand counting effort. It was very gratifying to me to see the enthusiasm and willingness to see the hand count effort through to an enormously successful completion. Thanks again to all. Finally, I want to thank each one of the Maricopa County PCs for the trust you have shown in me, and I promise to do everything in my power to maintain that trust. It is an honor to represent your voice as Chairman of the MCRC. We must continue our fight to save our Republic. The Republican Party is the only thing standing between us and global dominance and the elimination of our Constitution.
Thank you again and may God’s hand guide us to victory over the evil that is attempting to flood our state and our country.
Craig Berland MCRC Chairman

Here are the full results of the Maricopa County Republican Committee (MCRC) Jan 14 Statutory meeting.